Jordi Morales i Gras

PhD in computational sociology

I am Jordi Morales i Gras. A rara avis in the world of data.


Because in the world of Data and Computational Science it is still rare to find profiles oriented to Social Science.

Similarly, there are still few professionals in Social Science who have the necessary knowledge in Data Engineering or Artificial Intelligence to carry out relevant research with social impact in the world of Big Data.

But here is one.

Filling this gap has been precisely the leitmotiv of my professional career.


What do I do?

Data Engineering (ETL/ELT)

I design tools to collect and generate massive social data, process them, transform them, and store them in relational databases, optimised for further exploitation.
ingeniaría de datos - etl:elt

Artificial Intelligence and Sociological Analysis

inteligencia artificial y analisis sociologico
I implement Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Network Analysis or Statistical Analysis techniques on large datasets, and always with a hybrid qualitative-quantitative mindset.

Data Visualisation and Interpretation

I create models with the collected and processed data, visualise and analyse them with Business Intelligence or Data Mining tools. I create dashboards and reports that facilitate the transformation of data into information and knowledge.

Research and Training

investigacion y formacion
I participate in social-scientific research of all kinds, and I contribute my share, either as a coordinator or as a methodological collaborator. I also like to train new professionals in Social Science and teach new techniques to working professionals, in companies and at university.

Companies and professionals who make better decisions: how do they do it?

Select what you would like to know about me



Press and media appearances

PhD Thesis

My book



My Curriculum Vitae

Work experience



I have been involved in founding several projects related to data analytics and social science. Eudan is the most recent and ambitious: our mission is to place our clients in a scenario of informed, data-driven decision making.


University lecturer

I collaborate with different universities on a regular basis, teaching Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Digital Marketing, Advanced Information Systems and Analysis Techniques in Social Research.


  • Cámara de Bilbao University Business School (undergraduate studies)
  • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (master's degree studies)
  • University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Master's degree studies)
  • Col·legi de Professionals de la Ciència Política i de la Sociologia de Catalunya (postgraduate studies)

2012 - Today

Social researcher - Data analyst

As a professional I have had the opportunity to participate in many projects with different research groups (journalism, sociology, engineering...), both in university and business environments.

Academic education


University of the Basque Country

PhD in Sociology

I received my PhD with a thesis on methodology for the sociological analysis of Big Data and focused on a comparative analysis of the Catalan and Basque pro-independence movements on Twitter during 2014 and 2015. It is available here.


University of Deusto

Postgraduate in web analytics (Google Analytics and Tag Manager)
Websites are the largest data store of human behaviour ever created. Acquiring skills in web analytics has also been a key part of my training and has allowed me to understand the importance and omnipresence of the data scenario we inhabit.


Valencian International University

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching
Although I have never worked as a teacher outside the university, I am convinced that my studies as a secondary school teacher have helped me to communicate better in training contexts.


Freie Universität Berlin

MoA Sociology - European Societies

One of the best experiences of my life was studying this Master's degree in Berlin. I specialised in Experimental Sociology and statistical analysis, which allowed me to make the leap to Big Data.


Autonomous University of Barcelona

Degree in Sociology
My initiation to Social Science was at the UAB. It was there that I acquired a solid grounding in epistemology and social-scientific methodology, and where I became interested in hybrid qualitative and quantitative research.

Would you like to have more and better information when making important decisions?


Data Competence

Data engineering

Artificial Intelligence

Data visualisation

Data analysis and interpretation

Analytical skills

Natural Language Processing

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning

Deep Learning

Network analysis

Statistical Analysis

Software skills

Apache NiFi


Pajek / Gephi

Orange Datamining / Anaconda / Python

Jamoovi / Jasp / R

Excel / PowerQuery

Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager

PowerBi / Tableau / Google Data Studio / Grafana


Scholarly papers

Peñafiel-Saiz, C., Morales-i-Gras, J., & Echegaray-Eizaguirre, L. (2024) Images as a fundamental information resource during the covid-19 pandemic and the vaccination phase in Spanish digital media. Revista de comunicación, 23(1), 6.

Rovira Sancho, G., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2023). Idus de marzo en México: la acción directa en las redes y en las calles de las multitudes conectadas feministas. Teknokultura: revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, 2023, vol. 20, núm. 1, p. 11-24.

Rovira-Sancho, G., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2023) “Femitags in the networks and in the streets: 50 hashtags for feminist activism in Latin America”. Profesional de la información 32(3), e320319.

Alonso-Jurnet, Ángela; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi. (2023) “Indignación y descontextualización en la comunicación de fenómenos meteorológicos extremos en Twitter: análisis de las comunidades y el debate público digital en torno a la oleada de incendios en España.” Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 29(2), 273-286.

Peña-Fernández, S., Larrondo-Ureta, A., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2023) Feminism, gender identity and polarization in TikTok and Twitter. Comunicar, 75.

Rovira-Sancho, G., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2022). “Femitags for feminist connected crowds in Latin America and Spain.” Acta Psychologica, 230: 103756.<>

Apodaka, E., Basurto, A., Galarraga, A., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2022). “The governance of Basque language revitalisation in the Basque Autonomous Community: from confrontation toward collaboration.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 2022: 1-14.<>

Griera, Morales-i-Gras, J., Clot-Garrell, A., & Cazarín, R. (2022). “Conspirituality in COVID-19 Times: A Mixed-method Study of Anti-vaccine Movements in Spain.” Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 35(2), 192-217.<>

Orbegozo Terradillos, J., Morales i Gras, J., & Larrondo Ureta, A. (2022). “Twitter y la (de) construcción del mito: Maradona y el activismo digital feminista.” Cuadernos. info, (52), 181-203.<>

Zarrabeitia-Bilbao, E., Morales-i-Gras, J., Rio-Belver, R. M., & Garechana-Anacabe, G. (2022). “Green energy: identifying development trends in society using Twitter data mining to make strategic decisions.” Profesional de la Información, 31(1).<>

Peña-Fernández, S., Larrondo-Ureta, A., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2022). “Current affairs on TikTok. Virality and entertainment for digital natives.” Profesional de la Información, 31(1).<>

Morales-i-Gras, J. (2022). Hackear la Ciencia Social. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.<>

Peña-Fernández, S., Larrondo-Ureta, A., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2022). Comunicación política, institucional y medios de comunicación en tiempo de pandemia. Análisis del diálogo sobre vacunas en cinco países iberoamericanos. Revista de Comunicación, 21(1), 315-328.<>

Morales-i-Gras, J., & Sánchez-i-Vallès, O. (2022). El 14F a Instagram. Una proposta d’articulació de tècniques de raspat web i anàlisi de xarxes. Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 107(1), 147-174. <>

Morales-i-Gras, J., Orbegozo-Terradillos, J., Larrondo-Ureta, A., & Peña-Fernández, S. (2021). Networks and Stories. Analyzing the Transmission of the Feminist Intangible Cultural Heritage on Twitter. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 5(4), 69. <>

Larrondo-Ureta, Ainara; Peña-Fernández, Simón, & Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2021). «Desinformación, vacunas y Covid-19. Análisis de la infodemia y la conversación digital en Twitter.» Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 79: 1-18. <>

Larrondo-Ureta, Ainara; Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2021). «Digital Prospects of the Contemporary Feminist Movement for Dialogue and International Mobilization: A Case Study of the 25 November Twitter Conversation.» Social Sciences 10: 84. <>

Apodaka, Eduardo; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2021). «La gobernanza lingüística en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca: racionalidad neoliberal y demandas comunitarias.» Athenea Digital: revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 21(1): 6. <>

Apodaka, Eduardo; Anduaga, Uxoa; Eskisabel, Idurre; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi & Zabalondo, Beatriz (2020). «Promocionant la comunicació pública en èuscar: la comunitat de pràctica «Jendaurrean Erabili».» Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 30: 281-295. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2020). «Cognitive biases in link sharing behavior and how to get rid of them: evidence from the 2019 Spanish general election Twitter conversation.» Social Media + Society, 6(2): 2056305120928458. <>

Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi, & Larrondo-Ureta-Ureta, Ainara (2020). «Desinformación en redes sociales: ¿compartimentos estancos o espacios dialécticos? El caso Luther King, Quim Torra y El Confidencial.» Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, 11(2): 55-69. <>

Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen; Larrondo-Ureta-Ureta, Ainara & Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2020). «Influencia del género en los debates electorales en España: análisis de la audiencia social en# ElDebateDecisivo y# L6Neldebate.» El profesional de la información (EPI), 29(2). <>

Larrondo-Ureta, Ainara; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi; Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen (2019). «Feminist hashtag activism in Spain: measuring the degree of politicisation of online discourse on #YoSíTeCreo, #HermanaYoSíTeCreo, #Cuéntalo y #NoEstásSola». Communication and Society 32 (4): 207 – 221. <>

Apodaka, Eduardo; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi & Villareal, Mikel (2018). «Las Industrias de las Disposiciones Psicológicas.» en Ander Gurrutxaga Abad y Auxkin Galarraga Ezponda (eds.) Las fábricas del futuro. Catarata.

Sorolla, Natxo; Nobajas, Àlex & Morales i Gras, Jordi (2017). «Demolingüística, internet i dades massives.» Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, 15: 36-47. <>

Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi & Larrondo-Ureta-Ureta, Ainara (2017). «Feminismos indignados ante la justicia: la conversación digital en el caso de La Manada.» IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación, 16. <>

Apodaka, Eduardo; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2016). «Redes solidarias en Twitter: un acercamiento a la estructura del independentismo catalán en base a datos capturados en Twitter.» Virtualis, 14(7): 53-89. <>

Beldarrain Durandegui, Ángel; Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2015). «Collective Identity in the Anglophone Social Psychology.» Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research, 2015/2: 32. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2015). «Desenredando las identidades soberanistas vasca y catalana: un Análisis de Redes Sociales de las etiquetas de Twitter #BasquesDecide y #Up4Freedom.» Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research, 2015/2: 128. <>

Apodaka, Eduardo & Morales-i-Gras, Jordi «Ontologia sozialen erabilera erretorikoak: egia eta artizioa identitate-eraikuntzan. Euskal eta kataluniar identitateen kasuak alderatzen.» Nazionalismoa ikertuz II. kongresua. Naziotik Estatura XXI. mendean. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi 2013. «Am I what (s)he is not? An Experimental Approach to the Distancing Dynamics of Conflicting Identities: The Example of the Catalan-Spanish Conflict.» Nazionalismoa ikertuz I. kongresua. <>

Díaz Boladeras, Marta; Font Tió, Ada; Morales i Gras, Jordi; Guerrero Lara, Claudia; Abellán Cano, Carlos y Deusdad Ayala, Blanca (2010). «Ir a la Universidad: la Decisión de l@s Adolescentes con Diversidad Funcional en Catalunya». Proyecto para el Ministerio de Educación, EA2009-0169.

Collaborations in Media

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2020). Jordi Morales: «Gure informazioa biltzen ari baldin badira, egin dezagun ikertzaileek datuok guztion onerako erabili ditzaten» <

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2019). «#ThisIsTheRealSpain: radiografia del fracàs a la xarxa de la campanya del govern espanyol.» Vilaweb. <>

Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen & Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2019). La «campaña blanca» en Whatsapp: lejos de ser influyente. Público. <>

Orbegozo-Terradillos, Julen & Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2019). «La batalla por la conversación digital del 28A: los “ultramotivados” de Vox y la novedad de Pacma.» Infolibre. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2018). «Luther King, la independència catalana i Twitter.» Diari Ara. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2018). «Tabarnia y la construcción del adversario.» Naiz. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi & Apodaka, Eduardo (2016). «El impacto de la excarcelación de Arnaldo Otegi en Twitter.» Naiz. <>

Apodaka, Eduardo & Morales-i-Gras, Jordi (2015). «Lider berriak, alderdi zaharren gainetik.» Berria. <>

Morales-i-Gras, Jordi & Apodaka, Eduardo (2015). «Hego Euskal Herriko alderdien portaera.» Berria. <>

PhD Thesis

Morales i Gras, Jordi (2017). Soberanías enredadas: Una perspectiva reticular, constructural y agéntica hacia los relatos soberanistas vasco y catalán contemporáneos en Twitter. Euskal Herriko Unibetsitatea. <>.

My book

Hackear la ciencia social: Una invitación a la investigación en entornos digitales



Courses, masters and postgraduate courses

Postgraduate in Data Analytics and Programming Applied to Social Sciences

This postgraduate course is highly oriented to the current labour market, in which you will gain general skills in data analysis from the Social Science perspective.

You can take it in Catalan at the Col·legi de Professionals de la Sociologia i la Ciència Política de Catalunya

Master's Degree in Social Media: Management and Strategy

Master's degree for the comprehensive training of digital professionals.

You can take it in Catalan or Spanish at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Master's Degree in Models and Areas of Research in Social Sciences

University master's degree oriented towards the comprehensive training of researchers in Sociology.

You can take it in Spanish at the University of the Basque Country.

Teaching Materials

Visualisation of data extracted from social media

This last module will be devoted to one of the most important aspects of data analysis and one of the main tools that facilitate interpretation and decision making from data: data visualisation. We will review the basic principles of all functional visualisation and look at the most commonly used techniques for graphically representing the properties of different variables and their relationships. We will also look at some less common and more complex visualisation techniques, particularly suitable for representing certain elements present in big data databases and data from social media. We will also look at the different tools currently available to carry out data visualisation projects, with special emphasis on interactive tools that allow exploration by the reader or viewer. Finally, we will look at the key aspects to consider in a social media big data research project.


Social media data mining, techniques for big data analytics

In this module we will focus on a key strategy for data mining and value generation in big data environments: algorithms that generate knowledge according to social media content. To do so, we will enter the world of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing. We will see the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, and we will also learn about hybrid and ensemble algorithms, which mix the logics of the two previous types. We will then focus on some of the specific techniques for text analysis, one of the most abundant contents in social media, and we will see what kind of knowledge can be produced from the data. Finally, we will situate big data algorithms in the normative dimension of fair data handling, which includes both the identification of biases and discriminations in automated prediction and classification systems and the conscious design and mitigation of these inequalities.


Big data and social data mining: basic concepts and tools

We live in an increasingly digitalised world. The emergence of the internet, its massive expansion from the 1990s onwards across the entire planet - with substantial differences between countries and hemispheres - and its subsequent colonisation of everyday life through dozens of connected devices have facilitated the emergence of what we call big data. But, contrary to what one might assume, when we talk about big data, or massive data, we are not merely referring to a question of measurement or weight of data. In reality, we are characterising a new communicative paradigm that is specific to the 21st century, with implications of all kinds: technological, social, cultural, legal and political.


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jordi morales